Monthly Archives: September 2014

Importance of Sales Jobs and Sales Executive Jobs

Sales persons and sales jobs are the important aspect to market all the products.  Whatever may be the field, or whatever may be the product without sales persons or without sales executives you cannot expect your product to reach end users.  Sales persons being in the bottom line and sales executives in the middle line, there should be good network and communication to build a brand image and brand development.  They are the key players of the industry.  The play significant role in the communicating the opinions and reviews of end users.  Without an eminent group of sales team it is impossible for a sales executive to reach the target sales.  Likewise, without having a team of well groomed sales executives it is impossible for a company to survive in the market.  Everybody is interdependent on each other.  Every nut and bolt is important in a machine whatever its role and wherever it is placed in the machine.

Marketing field can be compared to a machine, irrespective of their roles, everybody is important.  Therefore, one should place emphasis on building the team from scratch.  For a company to grow and develop further Selection of Sales persons is very important.  It is essential to check out on the background of people when they receive applications for the Sales Jobs.

Sales Executive Jobs are equally important and people having good track record and performance level should be chosen to maintain the responsibility.  Then the company can expect good turnover and growth.

How to be Green in your own Surroundings

Green Atmosphere

It all depends upon on your decision. You should know How to be Green in order to save your ambiance in every possible way. There are many intricate issues in this term to go green. It may be anything from the erosion of soil, to deforestation or from air pollution to water pollution.  Everything comes under green. What is your role in creating green earth?

You can go for fresh and safety atmosphere by following these methods

Help and encourage farmers to grow everything organically.
Avoid all those things that can create pollution and harm to the environment.
Encourage recycling and reusing process in every walk of life.
Divide the waste generated into three different groups, solid waste, bio degradable waste, and non degradable waste.
Avoid using car to commute if you are travelling alone.  Use public transport so that you can reduce air pollution as much as possible.
Always try to use biodegradable materials so that they can be either recycled or they can be turned into manure.
To be green you can apply all those principles
You can also construct compose toilets
• Saving environment means, you have to consider all those four elements getting polluted by man that is water, air, soil, and sound.
Avoid using paper of all types, go digital.
Involve actively in the waste management process.  
Instead of using non renewable energy like petrol and diesel, try to use renewable energy sources to save your surroundings.

Even if you choose few methods How to go Green, it means you have done significant contribution.