Monthly Archives: December 2014

Know How To be Green, Making The Environment Safe?

Eco-friendly Footprints

Eco-friendly Footprints

A stationery audit is necessary if you are a business owner and having business with office maintenance to know more about your office supplies. Such an audit will provide an efficient overview about your usage of office supplies and how much waste is generated and how you can save many things through recycling and using recycled products efficiently. By using recycled stationery, one can be a part of green revolution where society as a whole will be benefitted from such a movement. It is a better to employ a free of charge recycling service so that it can save you money in the process and also you can be a part in the creation of a better environment. What are those things that can make an Eco Office and how you can go through these things? There are some significant facts that you should know to make your office go green.

How to be green is not a big question once you know how many things that are used in office can be recycled and can be purchased in order to save the atmosphere. You can recycle all those products that are connected with paper or made out of paper like material. Recycle the toner and cartridges. Use Markers and Pens that are refillable.

Recycle used plastic bottles and metal cans. Use separate collecting bins for the recycling companies to collect all these things once they are used. To make green office it is necessary to identify how many recycled products we can buy and how many products we can send for recycling.

Recycle All The Used Paper to Save The Environment

Commercial  Recycling loop

Commercial Recycling loop

Paper is one of the most commonly used materials in almost all the offices, whether it is a business sector or a corporate sector, or a commercial sector. It is a product with a little bit effort and care can be recycled and the accumulation of the waste paper can be avoided efficiently. To save environment, one can follow two methods, one is to reduce the use of paper, and another method is to send the used paper for recycling. Since there are a number of environmental related problems are associated with the fresh paper production, it is always better to avoid wastage of paper. It is a step that is highly beneficial to save the environment.

Use of post consumption of paper is very important to avoid pollution and waste accumulation where, it is used for land filling. The stress on power, natural habitat, water consumption, water pollution, man power, soil erosion and other various problems can be avoided as much as possible with the help of Recycled Paper.

It is utmost important to protect the ambiance in such a way that it could be a better and comfortable place for our future generation to enjoy like what we enjoy our mother nature with all its bountiful resources. Nearly 750,000 tonnes of paper consumed in the UK alone and just think about the number of trees getting axed for the production of paper. Recycling of paper can save the water pollution, power consumption and it effects as a whole on the society.